If it sounded as if Glenn Beck has been speaking like Donald Trump is the devil, he’s now making the connection even more clear. Now he’s acting as if Ted Cruz is the second coming.
According to Beck, God must have a real affinity for the Canada born Texas Senator. He’s done so much to help the Republican hopeful — from delivering him personally to extending the primary battle — it seems as if The Man Upstairs is the primary member of the #NeverTrump movement.
Given Cruz’s current standing in the polls, however, it seems even God’s power has it’s limits.
If anyone can deliver bombast and dramatics at level beyond Donald Trump, it may be Glenn Beck. Of course, while his style of attack is similar, it’s proven to be far less effective.
Hear more about why Beck seems to think God is anti-Trump on the next page:
Speaks to god every day, also lamp posts, door knobs and beer bottles.
Let’s reverse that statement. God sent and supports Trump to stop Cruz.
Had Cruz been sent by God he would have won the Primaries with no questions and he would have done it ethically and would not have been an adulter.
for the good of our country, get over it, Cruz is out, eat your words and get on the Trump train. Stop trashing him on the radio, etc. Stop encouraging a third party, we will need every vote to defeat Hillary in November and that is the goal, Keep your eye on the ball and stop all this bull$#%&!@* Any politician that encourages a third party nominee will find themselves recalled. The American people are sick of “politicians” we want Americans in office, not Dem or Rep, AMERICANS !!!!!!! Who are you?
Glenn Beck needs to be drug tested
F**k both of you Assholes
This was NOT a blunder! That was a moment full of hope and change of the REAL American kind! Alas, it wasn’t to be… in 2016!
Wow, you’re a whole special kind of stupid, aren’t you! George Soros would sooner support Ronald Reagan than Ted Cruz! And all the NWO weirdos that believe that about Ted… I just don’t know how to say it other than this: you’re just a whole special kind of stupid! “NWO” is about global dominance, control, etc. Have you HEARD anything from Ted, have you SEEN what actions he’s made? There’s just no helping some people!