If it sounded as if Glenn Beck has been speaking like Donald Trump is the devil, he’s now making the connection even more clear. Now he’s acting as if Ted Cruz is the second coming.
According to Beck, God must have a real affinity for the Canada born Texas Senator. He’s done so much to help the Republican hopeful — from delivering him personally to extending the primary battle — it seems as if The Man Upstairs is the primary member of the #NeverTrump movement.
Given Cruz’s current standing in the polls, however, it seems even God’s power has it’s limits.
If anyone can deliver bombast and dramatics at level beyond Donald Trump, it may be Glenn Beck. Of course, while his style of attack is similar, it’s proven to be far less effective.
Hear more about why Beck seems to think God is anti-Trump on the next page:
DOPE !!!
I personally dont think Glen Beck talks to God, I think he thinks he does,but its funny how God always just seems to have the same point of view as to whatever issue Glen is on, he is on lost in space
where God is silent, I too, shall be silent. . .who presumes to speak for God, surely not I.
I guess God changed his mind. TRUMP 2016
Beck is a f**e. A charlatan.
Glen Becks medical problems have infected his having any rational thinking. Realized he lost it mentally quite a while back in listening to him.
The two of these idiots shouldn’t even get fb time.
he was sent by the devil
He did not threaten to stab Dump. If you knew what you were talking about you would delete this post and avoid further embarrassment.
All I ever hear Beck talking about is smaller government, following the Constitution, electing honest people who will do what they say and being well informed and honest citizens. Maybe some of you should listen to the show for a few weeks and not just soundbites from whatever facebook post you follow.