Most politicians are associated, or have been associated in the past with secret societies. These secret societies range from Bohemian Grove to Skull and Bones, and simply knowing that the 2004 presidential elections held two former Skull and Bone members that ran against each other, is a bit unsettling.
The politicians that participate in these secret groups obviously don’t have much to fear from their political counterparts when both are all buddy-buddy behind closed doors. What they do fear is a presidential front-runner with no tie to them, thus leaving these secret groups with no control.
It is suspected that because so many in political power belong to secret societies that most of the government is controlled or influenced by them.
On the next page Bohemian Grove affiliate, and former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, discusses how Donald Trump potentially becoming the Republican nominee is driving the establishment, and mostly the Republican party “crazy.“
Check out page two, and read more about why the establishment fears a Trump nomination.
Does a billionaire ever relate to the middle class that lives pay check to pay check , no , the whole country has gone crazy for 1% rich man .
Who is Heidi Cruz. She is one interesting lawyer! Did you know that she sat on a Council on Foreign Relations task force for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)? Yes right up until 2011 when Ted announced he was running for the Senate!
WHY do you people think our Government won’t secure our border? Do you think it is Incompetence? Ignorance? Is it to destroy the nation? Well a lot can be said about all of those at this point but lets just say the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) CFR and that sweet little task force has other plans! Open up the borders and go deeper south into Mexico and beyond!! Awake yet???? Yes they are actively working to create a new nation of North America, called the North American Union, (NAU) just like the EU, with a controlling politburo, where members are NOT elected by the people.
Heidi Cruz was:
“SPECIAL” Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick? Do you know WHO he is??? Mitt Romney put Zoellick on his team and caught great criticism over it but we didn’t hear about that through Fox or any one else now did we! Google it!! Just type in Romney and Robert B Zoellick. Its there!!
So WHY would Heidi be a “special assistant” to him of ALL people? Is this a lawyer doing the work of a lawyer? Hardly, there is an agenda here.
TASK FORCE MEMBERS: HEIDI S. CRUZ is an energy investment banker with Merrill Lynch in Houston, Texas. She served in the Bush White House under Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council, as the Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S. Treasury Department, and as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative. Prior to government service, Ms. Cruz was an investment banker with J.P. Morgan in New York City. – (This information is prior to the economic crash, during the Bush administration.)…/building-north-american…/p8102
“Special Assistant to Robert Zoellick” what did that mean?
“Robert Bruce Zoellick is a former U.S. trade representative, deputy secretary of state, president of the World Bank, and vice chairman of Goldman Sachs (2006-2007). As U.S. trade representative, Zoellick played a key role in the passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the U.S.-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, the Jordan Free Trade Agreement, and the restoration of fast track negotiating authority via the Trade Act of 2002. He was also a top U.S. negotiator during the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations that lead to the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO).””U.S. Trade Representative Prior, Zoellick was appointed United States Trade Representative and assumed office on February 7, 2001. As a member Bush’s Cabinet, he served with the rank of Ambassador. Zoellick is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as the Trilateral Commission, and was one of the signers of the January 26, 1998, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) letter to President William Jefferson Clinton.[10][11] Zoellick completed negotiations to bring China and Taiwan into the World Trade Organization (WTO), developed a strategy to launch new global trade negotiations at the WTO meeting at Doha, shepherded Congressional action on the Jordan Free Trade Agreement and the Vietnam Trade Agreement, and worked with Congress to pass the Trade Act of 2002, which included new Trade Promotion Authority.[12] In an October 2007 speech to the National Press Club, Zoellick stated that “we are working with our Board to significantly step up our assistance to the international efforts to address climate change. At our upcoming Annual Meetings and at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali this December, I hope to outline a portfolio of ways the World Bank Group can help integrate the needs of development and low carbon growth. We need to focus particularly on the interests of developing countries, so that we can meet the challenge of climate change without slowing the growth that will help overcome poverty.[22]
Reince Preibus and the whole GOP insiders and effete snobs need to be blown up. They are only interested in their continued power, privilege, and position. They are worthless RINOS who have caved on everything. These jerks obviously don’t get it, trying to thwart Trump at every turn when the base is saying otherwise. We’re tired of wimp-assed, gutless wonders. We want a hard$#%&!@*to reverse the destruction this administration has rendered. If the GOP had fought against the libs half as hard as they fight Trump, this country would not have sunk to the depths we’re in. He is not beholden to them and they’re scared as hell, these self-serving teat suckers.
I hate this lying cheating bastard. He put Clinton down and at the same time having an affair. What an$#%&!@*
Secret society is our problem, they control too much!
Trump is the voice of We The People
So did Obama join the secret society? did they tell him to take this country down, afterall he’s a 2 term president.