“Sharia is incompatible with western civilization,” former House Speaker New Gingrich said on Hannity this past week. His comments, of course have created a tsunami of opinion and rage on the left, yet there is truth to his point of view that progressives refuse to see.
Speaking on the Fox News Channel, Newt responded to the terror attack in Nice, where a terrorist with a truck drove through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day. With over 100 injured and thus far 84 dead, the attack is but another crime committed in France by radical Islam.
Newt spoke unequivocally stating that he believed Sharia Law cannot coexist in the United States and those who follow it should be deported.
Read his full statement on the next page.
Throw All of them out, look what a mess Europe is in.
This I agree with
Lee Joseph Mitchell Citizenship is not a Constitutional right, it is a matter of law. If you are a natural born citizen born of 2 natural born citizens you can still lose your citizenship or become “denaturalized”
Title 8 U.S. Code § 1481 – “Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized citizen; voluntary action; burden of proof; presumptions (a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality—…”
INA § 349 states that a citizen, whether a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing certain acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality. The fact of intention is critical; it is not the mere performance of the actions mentioned in § 349.
If you’d like to read more, about what it takes to lose your citizenship try here.
Deport them all same as wet backs they are breaking the law send them the hell out of the USA
Wikipedia is your source? HA!!
start in the white house
And if they don’t believe, deport them too.
You can’t simply revoke the citizenship of a natural born citizen.
stop bringing them in to the country and you will not have to get rid of them i think we have enough now as it is let them stay in there country that,s the best place for them if they want freedom in there country let them fight for it like we did enough is enough if this keep,s up people will rise up and take care of it and the government is not going to like what happens we can see it coming now with all the cops being shot how long do you think people are going to sit back and let that happen the B.L.M and the black panther,s are going to be getting what is coming to them if they keep this$#%&!@*up the same with the muslims who think they can come to this country and set up hear and do what they want it,s not going to be long before the people who care about what the country is becoming take action