“Sharia is incompatible with western civilization,” former House Speaker New Gingrich said on Hannity this past week. His comments, of course have created a tsunami of opinion and rage on the left, yet there is truth to his point of view that progressives refuse to see.
Speaking on the Fox News Channel, Newt responded to the terror attack in Nice, where a terrorist with a truck drove through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day. With over 100 injured and thus far 84 dead, the attack is but another crime committed in France by radical Islam.
Newt spoke unequivocally stating that he believed Sharia Law cannot coexist in the United States and those who follow it should be deported.
Read his full statement on the next page.
Joy Olson Bell you are the idiot if you think the president can amend the constitution.
He’s right!
Under Sharia law, women are treated as objects to be owned by their husbands. And if the husband feels the need to beat his wife to keep her in line, he can do just that. These people do not want to change for us, they want us to change for them….
By the way, no one can be tried for treason simply for holding a belief. They must act on those beliefs in a way that satisfies the constitutional definition of treason.
Do it!!!!
sharia is slavery
which is all of them!!!!!
Start with all members of CAIR. Kick them all out. Revoke their citizenship. Send them back to the Islamic hellhole they crawled out of.
That is so sad of you to say. Posting fact and truth is never c**p and I am far from being xenophobic. I gave you Quran teachings, therefore no need to fabricate anything.