Jeff Gray, a long time activist in recording police, has recently released a video showing how he got through DUI checkpoints without saying a word.
His novel idea was to hang a plastic bag outside his rolled up window with the following:
1 – A message stating:
I remain silent
No searches
I want my lawyer
2 – DriverĀ“s license
3 – Registration
4 – Insurance Information
How did police respond upon his pulling up to the checkpoints with this bag hanging outside his car?
Sam Holoia like a boss lol ill do this to u haha
This might be something for folks to think about doing !
I recognize that we need to stand up for our rights, but DUI checkpoints are in place to get the drunks off the road. What is so bad about just saying “no I haven’t had anything to drink” and being on your way?
Get a dash cam, you must be able to prove your actions in a court of law. A judge, any judge, or a jury, will take the officers word over yours every time, without exception. I think this post is an excelent idea, to stand up for your rights, but if you don’t back it up with a video, you’re probably going to get hurt.
It’s a civilized discussion Billy Bob. No need to resort to childish tactics with the name calling. In my opinion, check points create awareness for drunk driving and the potential to deter some people from doing it. It’s fine if you disagree with them and their purpose, just avoid them when you are out and about and you’ll be fine.
John Kennedy Kenny Behnke
Walk? So the cops can arrest you for public intoxication?
The Quran is a book of lies and all muslims devil dogs.
If people don’t like what police are doing (aka their job) then the world needs to stop paying taxes… They can’t throw us all in jail right? Plus who would be a police officer for free?