Jeff Gray, a long time activist in recording police, has recently released a video showing how he got through DUI checkpoints without saying a word.
His novel idea was to hang a plastic bag outside his rolled up window with the following:
1 – A message stating:
I remain silent
No searches
I want my lawyer
2 – DriverĀ“s license
3 – Registration
4 – Insurance Information
How did police respond upon his pulling up to the checkpoints with this bag hanging outside his car?
Part of your union dues???^
That is so nice to publish a way for drunks and junkies to get through a road block. Good goin’ stupid!
Drunks and junkies wouldn’t remember the paper. I meant no disrespect Mr. Keenan. Ever heard of a sense of humor?
I know of cases where this did work. sometimes driver oputs cop on his phone with his lawyer…cops usuallyl ettem go
do NOT look at cop. he can claim bloodshot eyes or a red cheecks,etc
True Christians believe this…..
Pete – you are kidding, right?
John Gotti get a refund on your Fb law school tuition, you did not learn anything!
No. There is no reason to be an $#%&!@* to police that will most likely just say hello and waive you thru.
No. There is no reason to be a jerk to police that will most likely just say hello and waive you thru.