Jeff Gray, a long time activist in recording police, has recently released a video showing how he got through DUI checkpoints without saying a word.
His novel idea was to hang a plastic bag outside his rolled up window with the following:
1 – A message stating:
I remain silent
No searches
I want my lawyer
2 – DriverĀ“s license
3 – Registration
4 – Insurance Information
How did police respond upon his pulling up to the checkpoints with this bag hanging outside his car?
We shouldn’t have check points people
Worked this Tammy not next time
Dumb $#%&!@*. Don’t believe everything on the net. This will not work.
Because people that kill innocent people because they’re too drunk to drive is OK as long as it doesn’t bother you
And how do we know, this guy was not carrying something illegal. He should have been stopped and searched thoroughly
Come through one with bloodshot eyes, head bobbing, weaving, or any indication of intoxication and see how fast this doesn’t work lol. They will pull you out and your flyer can go in your property.
where are all these “police checkpoints” happening? i’ve never seen one in my entire life
How about not driving intoxicated?