Jeff Gray, a long time activist in recording police, has recently released a video showing how he got through DUI checkpoints without saying a word.
His novel idea was to hang a plastic bag outside his rolled up window with the following:
1 – A message stating:
I remain silent
No searches
I want my lawyer
2 – Driver´s license
3 – Registration
4 – Insurance Information
How did police respond upon his pulling up to the checkpoints with this bag hanging outside his car?
Truth Transcends Color.
“We are all born ignorant, but it takes hard work to remain stupid”. – Ben Franklin.
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
I like these two quotes because referring to human beings based on color i.e. “black, brown, red, yellow and white” possesses both “sincere ignorance” and “conscientious stupidity”. Take out a sheet of paper that is “black, brown, red, yellow or white” and pick the “color you are or suppose to be” and place your hand on that paper and I double that you are really that color. There is no black race, no brown race, no red race, no yellow race and no white race. Racist need a “mind enema” to wash all the “color c**p” out of there head. There is really one race, the “human race” and the chance pigmentation of a persons skin does not make them less or more of a human being.
Racist, thugs, looters, criminals, cop haters, de Blasio, muslims, ojerko, moochella, and “race mongers” like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder are working hard at being “plugged into stupid”!!!
“To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
It’s simple,be sober,polite,answer questions,and you will be fine.
Such a hero!!
If you haven’t been drinking- this idea is unnecessary
this is all perfectly legal and they can’t do anything
We are all the same! Duh! The human race! We need to band together and destroy the evil that is attempting to destroy us!
A great idea!
Proud infidel
What’s so bad about registering all your guns and turning in your 30 round mags? It’s my right that’s why
Never implied a thing about agreeing with turning in guns or magazines or registering them. I just stated my opinion on the subject of DUI checkpoints and them alone.