Shallow. Hillary Clinton is shallow. In her most recent interview with Mario Lopez, she went on about how impressed she was with Kim Kardashian, because she found her to be warm and personable.
Maybe, because nothing in Hillary’s demeanor is warm and personable, she truly found someone to be inspired by, instead of her own grandiose ego. Page 2 has more inspiration:
get real, if you want to be a nudist maybe, i can think of a dozen people who are more inspirational then kim kardashian
One idiot leading another. It’s sad to see how low America has sunk.
Boy is she “deceived! she’s got her head stuck in the sand somewhere!
How is she even in the running still. America is a joke.. These people make me sick.
Kim is just another tart with a big butt.
She’s as dumb as she looks!!!!!
That’s just as sad as you and Bill
People is this the kind of person you want for President ? She thinks that a no talent hack is a role model.
If Hillary thinks Kim Kardashian is a ‘role model’, She’s not only ignorant but downright senile!!! Totally ASININE!!!