Shallow. Hillary Clinton is shallow. In her most recent interview with Mario Lopez, she went on about how impressed she was with Kim Kardashian, because she found her to be warm and personable.
Maybe, because nothing in Hillary’s demeanor is warm and personable, she truly found someone to be inspired by, instead of her own grandiose ego. Page 2 has more inspiration:
if she thinks that another reason she will never make it
I understand that she thinks most females are inspirational.
Grow up rich, make home made porn, get a show, get richer for doing nothing, the American Dream, pure role model
All three are trash
What a Idot so what do you expect?.More idiots to vote for her.
Kim and her family are white trash
She can keep her haha!
Egads……………The frigging world has gone crazy.
She needs a reality check
Seriously, welcome to Idiocracy 2015. What our future will hold for us when these mediocre politicians keep giving us the finger with thir actions.