Shallow. Hillary Clinton is shallow. In her most recent interview with Mario Lopez, she went on about how impressed she was with Kim Kardashian, because she found her to be warm and personable.
Maybe, because nothing in Hillary’s demeanor is warm and personable, she truly found someone to be inspired by, instead of her own grandiose ego. Page 2 has more inspiration:
Can we please stop listening and giving these crazy people attention just so we can feed their deprived egos.
One sick parasite to another.
Surely she jests.
Good Lord, How low can Hillary go? There is nothing left when you hit the bottom of berral
Oh dear God if the is her inspirations she is worse off than I thought!
Your idiots
She made this rough guy say;
IN TRUMP WE TRUST!!!! #TRUMP for President Let’s Make AMERICA GREAT again 2016!!!!!
Kim is no role model nor is here fat head hubby,there to much on the Trashy side