Shallow. Hillary Clinton is shallow. In her most recent interview with Mario Lopez, she went on about how impressed she was with Kim Kardashian, because she found her to be warm and personable.
Maybe, because nothing in Hillary’s demeanor is warm and personable, she truly found someone to be inspired by, instead of her own grandiose ego. Page 2 has more inspiration:
Yes Inspirational when I need to take a big dump.
…truly desperate…! Lol
Of course a bimbo likes a bimbo!!!
So is Monica Lewinsky Lol
kim is off her rocker
Hillary trying to ride on coattail of whorish Kardashian. Try anything to get votes. Won’t work… people sick of disfunctional mama and daughters.
Kim K. is brainless !
She better think that way, her husband see’s Kim’s face every time he touches her. She has NO IDEA what to Do, Say, or Act as this Free Fall of ANY chance at her to be President Continues. Clinton’s have no idea what to do or who to kill when they don’t get there way at this level.
Kim’s butt is almost as big as Hillary’s ….that’s what Hillary finds inspirational