In the bizarre world of progressives, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was named President of the US Conference of Mayors for her outstanding work in serving the people of her city and demonstrating innovation in turning things around.
Check out her unenviable record on the NEXT PAGE:
Why is it that these guys,need that kind of extra protection to do their job,than a good auto rifle and side arm could not stop.. this Right to peaceful protest is never seen,looting,burning,acting like a Third World Country,Has gotten lots worse under Obama!
Resigning sounds like a perfect thing for that female thug to do.
obamas america
The killing fields of America.
Thank you liberals. You got just what you asked for. Thugs gone wild. Don’t whine and call for more cops.
Nobody gets away with murder. They may think they do, but that is only for a short while.
shes no better than OBAMA and The Prosecutor are as far as being race baitors I feel bad for the people of baltimore they deserve better than this
All she should be given is a pink slip and a lawsuit from all the business and home owners who lost property when she told the police to stand down and let the rioters destroy.