Why build your own low-cost solar panels?
We all like to be self-sufficient. After all, who knows what tomorrow may bring?
When the power goes out it’s great to have alternative ways to get jobs done, but there are always some tasks that are simpler, easier, and even safer with electricity!
This video shows you the easy steps and simple tools that anyone can use to get up and running with their own solar panels and like the man says, the more of them you build, the easier they get.
So keep your low-power and no-power plans at the ready for a blackout, but why not prep some panels, too, just in case?
Don’t forget to share this article with friends so they can build panels, too.
James E Crawford
Daniel Ryan Yocom…A brown out is when you lose some power, but not all…your lights are dim but on, some other things will still run at 1/2 power, not a total black out, just a “dimming” of power…we have them quite a bit where I live…
I like rice but that doesnt look the best
A brown out must be when someone’s having a $#%&!@*ty day lol….seems legit
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Awesome I can really do this and have you seen the on call freaken solar driveways love that graet American know how (diy)
Keith Carter
Brad built solar power panels on the farm in Nic. for about $100 each. Trouble in the states is you can’t sell surplus power back to the grid unless you use commercial panels. And they now want to tax those who don’t use public utility.
Sara Key