Why build your own low-cost solar panels?
We all like to be self-sufficient. After all, who knows what tomorrow may bring?
When the power goes out it’s great to have alternative ways to get jobs done, but there are always some tasks that are simpler, easier, and even safer with electricity!
This video shows you the easy steps and simple tools that anyone can use to get up and running with their own solar panels and like the man says, the more of them you build, the easier they get.
So keep your low-power and no-power plans at the ready for a blackout, but why not prep some panels, too, just in case?
Don’t forget to share this article with friends so they can build panels, too.
Got 30 car batteries and an inverter. Charge them with the sun or wind. I can run my house for three days without power.
Matthew Davis
Laine Lucore, show dad
The amount of electricity produced by most do it yourself solar panels isn’t enough to run more than a light bulb or 2. You will NEVER generate enough to run your household off of – unless you plan on living in the stone age anyway.
Pretty cool.
Build a lot. Four full sized panels won’t go far. But yes, do something.
Step one is actually to get ten to twenty deep cycle batteries, and a pure sine inverter. Keep it charged with grid electric as available. Then add in solar panels as you can.