Why build your own low-cost solar panels?
We all like to be self-sufficient. After all, who knows what tomorrow may bring?
When the power goes out it’s great to have alternative ways to get jobs done, but there are always some tasks that are simpler, easier, and even safer with electricity!
This video shows you the easy steps and simple tools that anyone can use to get up and running with their own solar panels and like the man says, the more of them you build, the easier they get.
So keep your low-power and no-power plans at the ready for a blackout, but why not prep some panels, too, just in case?
Don’t forget to share this article with friends so they can build panels, too.
Rachael says:
“Any suggestions? I’m trying to get started. I grow most of my own food and medicines. I would love to be able to produce my own power.”
From: http://www.truthandaction.org/get-cheap-easy-grid-power-diy-solar-panel-video/comment-page-7/#comment-539761
i bought a book on this once and it was easier to just buy a panel.
I’m with you on this Kris Stanley I can’t find the video either
We use solar at the farm… works great..
But Obama
Dennis Ren wanna go to #homedepot?
So hard to do your own. At 10watts per square feet you need 1,000 square feet for 10KW. THEN you need to tie into the grid to benefit from selling back excess power so that you can get power back. Subsidies are dependent on using qualified installers. And to go grid free you need a lot of batteries plus inverters.
Total independence from rip-offs
Nicholas J Mills Mervyn Mills
I have a built in solar panel, see profile picture…I’m ready!