The mass migration of Muslim “refugees” supposedly coming from the Syrian civil war has turned into a disaster for host nations.
First, such immigrants generally have no passports or paperwork indicating who they are or where they have come from. They also have nothing that proves they are refugees rather than Islamic terrorists, and the countries granting asylum such as Germany and the U.S. are asking for trouble when they admit these people in wholesale without some way of vetting them.
Think about the last time that you traveled anywhere outside of the U.S. and the tight controls and oversight you had to endure when entering a foreign country. But endure it you did, because you understood that each country must control who comes in, what their intentions are, and if they pose a threat to the citizens of that country.
But the refugee crisis has turned that system on its head. And now it seems that in Germany, and perhaps in other countries as well, government statistics show that more than half of last years 1.1 million applicants have simply disappeared.
Half a million refugees have disappeared, page 2:
german people will do something they love germany
Really??? Wonder were they went and now for the $64,000.question WHY?? MAYBE TO GET ORGANZED BEFORE THE THEY START THE WAR??
They’re inbred, mentally unstable freaks. They should be easily defeated with shiny objects or pigs blood!
Am I stupid or why can’t I understand why they would leave and not stand up and fight for their country?? If that were to happen hear I believe we would fight!!
This is all agenda work ! First the shoot these countries into rubble based on total lies then they bring the refugees to Europe. My issue is not with these Muslims because its not their fold these wars started most have been duped. , allthough many of them have been teached hatred towards the west which is not very ideal. The vatican is behind these agenda’s yes they have a lot of power. You watch were all these refugees are going , all Historical Protestant Countries. They are continuing their jesuit counter reformation making sure there never will be another protestant reformation ever again. The reformation has proven to be the only and a very effective remedy for the Totallitarian powerhungry Ceasar in Rome. most people haven’t got a clue about this.
So, tell us something we don’t already know!
Merkel is hiding them
Turned in to a disaster ? It was a disaster from the beginning !
Dumb Angela Merkel! What an idiot for opening borders.
We think this is Merkel and Obama’s plan to bring in as many if these BARBARIC SAVAGE MOSLEM INVADERS and destroy our countries. If there is an uprising, then wd will see martial law and Obama will remain in office. We only hope he has aspirations to be the head of the UN. That would be a reason to leave. He had been living like royalty while in office.