The mass migration of Muslim “refugees” supposedly coming from the Syrian civil war has turned into a disaster for host nations.
First, such immigrants generally have no passports or paperwork indicating who they are or where they have come from. They also have nothing that proves they are refugees rather than Islamic terrorists, and the countries granting asylum such as Germany and the U.S. are asking for trouble when they admit these people in wholesale without some way of vetting them.
Think about the last time that you traveled anywhere outside of the U.S. and the tight controls and oversight you had to endure when entering a foreign country. But endure it you did, because you understood that each country must control who comes in, what their intentions are, and if they pose a threat to the citizens of that country.
But the refugee crisis has turned that system on its head. And now it seems that in Germany, and perhaps in other countries as well, government statistics show that more than half of last years 1.1 million applicants have simply disappeared.
Half a million refugees have disappeared, page 2:
I also find it funny that many holders of their Bible’s always defend Israel, because they are the holy land. However, mainstream media censored 10,000 Orthodox Jews that protested in NY City twice….so I ask, “Who is going against Israel?” The only thing that comes to mind is Revelations 2:9 and Revelations 3:9….Oh, how funny it is that people don’t think of that when thinking of Israel… Of course, not all Jews are bad. Just those that use God’s name in vein.
Now, if you look into Israel’s demography, you’d learn that Israel only has a 2% population of Christians living in Israel. I guess that is probably due to the fact that Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ.
$234 Billion since 1948 which is listed on The White House page…..$70 Billion is just the icing on the cake! I almost wrote ising by mistake…..
this will bring germany with bombs and suicide bombing killing many innocents
I wonder if they celebrate every year?
Movie Producer, Aaron Russo, in his interview in August of 2007 also mentioned The Rothschilds…
I wonder what the music group Iron Maiden knows?
German airline can safely take them to dubai were they will have a nice life
god help woman and children
Oh, I’m not only a conspiracy nut. I’m also a descendant of Mary Wightman & Samuel Boone…Mary…daughter of John Wightman….descendant of George Wightman…brother to Reverend Valentine Wightman who married Susannah Holmes….who was the great grand daughter of Roger Williams, Founder of The First Baptist Church in America. Susannah’s cousin was Sarah Bowne….the great great great grandmother of Abe Lincoln.. Baptists were Protestants and Puritans before who many believe came over on The Mayflower. Of course…the Wightmans also go back to Edward Wightman executed by King James for heresy…. My mother is a Boone. The Boone name also is interesting. Boone was once known as ‘de Bohun’ as in Mary de Bohun that married King Henry The IVth. Of course, in every family, there is good and bad. Samuel was arrested during The American Revolution. However, I can understand why since he was a descendant of the royals. After serving his time and stripped of his wealth, Mary and Samuel moved to New Brunswick. I, on the otherhand, believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Of course, I’m just trying to prove that I’m American, because others call me a Muslim for standing against Israel’s War crimes that they cover up.