If you’ve been paying attention to the news in the past year, you’re no doubt aware of the refugee crisis in Western Europe that the numerous incidents of perversion, sexual assault and violence that have followed.
A recent study found that something around fifteen hundred underage brides are now living in Germany. These young women, children and teenagers are among the more than one million migrants who have come from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. According to a Freedom of Information Act, the German Interio Ministry revealed that of the horrifying number of underage brides, fifteen hundred to be exact, as of July 31st of this year, three hundred and sixty one of them are children under the age of fourteen.
The information released by the German Interior Ministry breaks those numbers down further, and it’s believed that there are many more than are being concealed by those.
Find out how many on the next page.
Just matter of time
OMG. And they think$#%&!@*was bad. This disgusting.
Once the Muslim population becomes large enough, most of Germany’s industrial production will cease, since very few Muslims know what to do with machinery except use it to kill. So much for BMW and VW in the near future if this keeps up.
With this the little girls will all be dead by these muslims. Germany now really sucks….
Agree. A “good ” Muslim is like saying there are good and bad pit vipers.
This can’t be true, no way
Schröter: Ja, wenn man nicht aufpasst, werden das Präzedenzfälle und andere berufen sich darauf. Es ist ja nicht so, dass in allen Ehen die Mädchen schon 15 Jahre alt sind, wo man vielleicht noch sagen kann – naja – das ist ein Grenzfall. Ich hatte da neulich mit einem Rechtswissenschaftler eine Diskussion, der sagte: 15 – das kann man gerade noch gelten lassen – sondern wir haben ja auch Mädchen, die sind elf, die sind zwölf, die sind 13 Jahre alt. Und wo will man da die Grenze ziehen? Da denke ich, in diesem Fall müsste doch das deutsche Recht der Orientierungspunkt sein. Es ist ja auch angedacht worden, ob man nicht ohnehin das Heiratsalter auf 18 erhöht. Das halte ich eigentlich für eine gute Maßnahme.
What is wrong with the mothers if these children
They have not allowed such…..they had to allow it because they were married in Syria she was 15