If you’ve been paying attention to the news in the past year, you’re no doubt aware of the refugee crisis in Western Europe that the numerous incidents of perversion, sexual assault and violence that have followed.
A recent study found that something around fifteen hundred underage brides are now living in Germany. These young women, children and teenagers are among the more than one million migrants who have come from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. According to a Freedom of Information Act, the German Interio Ministry revealed that of the horrifying number of underage brides, fifteen hundred to be exact, as of July 31st of this year, three hundred and sixty one of them are children under the age of fourteen.
The information released by the German Interior Ministry breaks those numbers down further, and it’s believed that there are many more than are being concealed by those.
Find out how many on the next page.
Child abuse!
To be a proud German is to be labeled a $#%&!@*….and so they will make more and more concessions until they fade into history
Wow……Will Get many ever get it right?
Very sad. Angela, there are no words for your stupidity!
Sure..we will be against Germany again in the next war…this song is old
It’s coming….thanks to the evil left!
Germany is obviously made up of a bunch of sheep. History repeating itself I guess…
@Diane stan is Always at your site. example is your reliegion you’re free to be Drunker/Gay whatsoever you feel like doing without panic your own teaches you Alot of life style wich is contrary with mine that all what I mention is prohibited in mine. if you believe with what you worship and If your God existing you wont find yourself in sin you would remember the last day nut you normaly forget especially when you go to the Bear farlow you would forget everything but now you’re talking on social media like born again while you’re crook Anyway remember prophet Muhammad is Massenger of God and Jesus Also a massenger so dont be confused Calling Isa as a son of God is a sin and mess.
This is disgusting and terrible. If your religion says it’s ok to marry and rape children, then you do not have a good religion. That’s just the tip of the iceberg on the terrible things Islam advocates in the name of their sick cult.
We will be there soon, if the liberals,get their way.