News flash! World War II ended 72 years ago. The Soviet Union collapsed 26 years ago. The idea that Germany or any other European country should have to depend on the United States for its defense or financial well-being is nonsense. If they have a problem with Russia’s Putin, they can work that out on their own.
There is no reason for the United States to subsidize Germany or France as they commit cultural and national suicide through their absurd open immigration policies. President Trump pointed out Merkel’s folly shortly after his inauguration.
If they wish to be known more as components of the EU as opposed to sovereign states, that is their choice. But there is no reason for American soldiers or taxpayers to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in their lunacy.
So, if Mrs. Merkel wants to moan about how Germany can no longer “fully rely” on the U.S. now that President Trump has taken over, that’s just too bad.
More on page two.
Well your citizens can no longer depend on you, you have failed them.
Conservatives were trying to warn these countries years ago, not to rely on any deals made with Obama. They won’t stand the test of time under the constitution, if another more conservative administration wins the WhiteHouse in the future. That mixed with weakly structured policy, will collapse like a house of cards. You can lead a horse to water… Just saying
Well, we certainly can’t rely on her, and neither can her country.
Have your buddy Obama protect you!!
She’s right, when they get conquered by yet another fascist, and tyrannical group. Leave our blood and treasure out of it. We saved their asses once, they learned nothing, end of story. #Germanyisdead
Nope you will have to pay your fair share now.
Merkel is missing the point. Germany may no longer need the U.S. but she is destroying her own country n it’s people
We are not their daddy to give them all the money from the USA
We have taken care of Germany long enough.