The humanitarian heart, on the part of Germany, has backfired as the military has been called into help with the migrants. Germany, who has been opening her doors to the refugees, has found herself in a crisis. There is now a querie that says that Germany should have had a more cautious approach as they are on the “verge of an emergency”. They have recently put the brakes on importing so many migrants.
More info on following page:
I cannot believe she couldn’t see what was happening with the type of refugees that were coming into the country….unbelievable…
It was socialist stupid to allow these mongrels into Germany to begin with..
Wow…who would have thought? About time they realize this migration is means by which for ISIS to infiltrate a country…without a shot being fired.
What’s going on in Germany could have been avoided if only the government had paid attention to their behavior. And the U.S. Must learn from Germany’s mistake.
Open doors are catching up to them also not enough of other peoples money to go around .
Let Mexico bring them all in. Then Oblama and Jerry Brown assist them in jumping the border into the U.S. Problem solved.
doggon another half million in jan it looks like ashed foe to much and recieved it good luck germany
Hope German people see what is happening to them. Stand up and defend your culture and lively hood. An invasion is an invasion and your government needs to acknowledge it.