The humanitarian heart, on the part of Germany, has backfired as the military has been called into help with the migrants. Germany, who has been opening her doors to the refugees, has found herself in a crisis. There is now a querie that says that Germany should have had a more cautious approach as they are on the “verge of an emergency”. They have recently put the brakes on importing so many migrants.
More info on following page:
I was shocked Germany had open arms and a welcome mat , don’t they keep up with world events ? Now the ones whinning its humanitarian can see the truth.
Not the brightest broad.
They should all be shot.
These aren’t migrants. They are invading terrorists.
Merkel really screwed up. Now they are stuck with all those rag heads.
That is called “Inviting of allegator by digging ditch”.
Haha idiots way to protect your people
Oh so Saudi Arabia and won’t take any money migrants but they will build 200 Muslim Mosques in Germany! Sounds like a plan of destruction to me!