The humanitarian heart, on the part of Germany, has backfired as the military has been called into help with the migrants. Germany, who has been opening her doors to the refugees, has found herself in a crisis. There is now a querie that says that Germany should have had a more cautious approach as they are on the “verge of an emergency”. They have recently put the brakes on importing so many migrants.
More info on following page:
Getting what you deserve
Coming to America next
Lock up all lone males in internment camps, then deport them. Only accept legitimate, vetted families.
Lock the border DOWN
hope they came with a return policy haha
Wow!! Not a surprise!! As The Obama Regime is allowing
100,000 refugees by October 1st, not the 10,000 that the media would like us to believe!!! Let’s Hope this goes VIRAL AND CONGRESS AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON’T,ALLOW IT!!!
I find it so funny, (LOVE GERMANY BTW) but in their airports they all carry MP5 sub machine guns, but at the border they carry batons. Something doesn’t sound right.