When German Chancellor Merkel first invited refugees into Europe as aylum seekers, under the Dublin agreement, they were required to go through the government’s vetting process that involved the state’s ‘EASY’ system, operated by the German Ministry For Migration and Refugees.
In 2014, the plan was that for every one in five asylum seekers that entered Germany, they would be sent back to the country where they had first entered the EU. Later, in 2015 that same ratio fell to one out of ten.
Why? Well, one lawmaker from the Left Party asked the German Government the same thing, to which the government responded that “13 percent of asylum seekers did not turn up at the reception centers they had been directed” to.
Perhaps the refugees have gone home already? This is Germany’s pathetic hope.
How could Germany prepare to receive so many immigrants if their vetting process couldn’t even run right? Perhaps, Germany was working with someone who wanted this all along.
Read more on page two.
I guess they never will, and it is because people are fed up, and someone gives them what they want to hear, just like all politicians here, like a spider in a web, and the fly comes in and wack your done for.
They all scare me, running of the mouth, but Trump now wow, he is out there. Some people in Germany, when they hear the news about trump, and what comes out of his mouth now and before he run for President, and they worry that he will become just like Merkel and$#%&!@*
Well that is the problem, she can stay for 20 years if idiots keep voting her in. Gemany like the way it is here 4 years and you are out of here, if you are not elected for another 4. But then you are out for sure.
I do not understand, they live in the same country, and yet they fight and kill each other off, WHY would you allow the two groups into your Country to do the same to each other, and then turn on you when you took them in?????????
That’s what they are turning the us into. And all we have for a savior I’d the buffone
Totally unconscionable!
There probably here her and Obama are one and the same
Obviously Ops. All part of the New World Order Agenda.
Yes she is doing a bang up job exactly what we need in this country a woman who can’t control her own life and wants to control ours.