When German Chancellor Merkel first invited refugees into Europe as aylum seekers, under the Dublin agreement, they were required to go through the government’s vetting process that involved the state’s ‘EASY’ system, operated by the German Ministry For Migration and Refugees.
In 2014, the plan was that for every one in five asylum seekers that entered Germany, they would be sent back to the country where they had first entered the EU. Later, in 2015 that same ratio fell to one out of ten.
Why? Well, one lawmaker from the Left Party asked the German Government the same thing, to which the government responded that “13 percent of asylum seekers did not turn up at the reception centers they had been directed” to.
Perhaps the refugees have gone home already? This is Germany’s pathetic hope.
How could Germany prepare to receive so many immigrants if their vetting process couldn’t even run right? Perhaps, Germany was working with someone who wanted this all along.
Read more on page two.
I bet they just went back home. Lol
Done by personal assistant? On trumps word??
Or cashed along with the hundreds received monthly??
You realize the guy has more than 1 account right??
More than 5 p.A’s…..
What’s the name of the big .10 donator????
And I afraid that Trump with his self-centered way, letting his mouth run before activating brain is acting just like them, and that scares me. Then look what megalomanic people can cause.
Yeap, that is when people get sucked in by promising speeches, and do not listen to the older ones that went through that c**p. My mom lives in Germany keeps saying the same thing, they never learn from the past. I would have never voted for a person like her, being raised in East Germany, where they turned in their neighbor for brownie points with the east german government.
And maybe the next one coming.
Under ground hiding, and causing more problems.
Theresa Cooper Well I think the UN is out there too, and a country does not like it, get out. My opinion.
You can say that again, my Mom keeps saying that all the time, they did not have much then, but she said was a lot better then it is now. She talks about the days a lot, and wishes that they would remember the past more, and not run with all the flowery mouth politicians, and believe they will keep what they promise, and never keep them. My Mom lives in Germany, and lives with this mess, that Merkel has created.
She was thought that as a girl, where they had something like something like Girl Scouts, but they got rewarded by turning in their neighbors, friends and family that spoke against the East German Government. I know a lot of Americans were in Berlin, when the wall was still up, but that was a show place, a front. I saw the real thing where
That is what my Mom says, she wants them in let them live with her, and now she wants to build house for them, and let me tell you, the people are PO.