Two-hundred-two refugee homes have been burnt to the ground in Germany since January of 2015. With German Chancelor Angela Merkel inviting in one million immigrants, who have created havoc across the countryside, the German citizens who are living with the havoc, have had it. Their voices of dissent are not being recognized by the politicians and therefore, they are sending up literal smoke signals to get their point across.
Obviously violence and harm to another human is not acceptable, but when a government refuses to listen to those whom they are sworn to protect, then the citizen will rise up and protect themselves.
The common denominator in both the German outrage, as well as, with the refugees fleeing their countries is corrupt governments. From Merkel who ignores her constituents, to a dictator like Bashar al-Assad, the rights of humans are trampled when ultimate power corrupts.
On the following page, view the video and read the account of refugee homes and shelters being destroyed, all to get the attention of those in power.
That’s because they finally realized their country is leaveing them. Now they are waking up and retaking it back. That’s what happens when enough is enough!
German people getting fed up with the onslaught of illegal muslims,look at what the muslims have done and is is doing to Germany, horrible. Invaders not welcome.
Time that was started world wide !’
With more to come due to the sell out of Germany and the German people. Honestly didn’t think it would take this long. Next to go will be there leader who sold out the people.
They have had it with the b******t. When you come to another’s country, you assimilate into their culture and do not expect them to change for you. Be an asset to them and not a burden, or take your asses back to wherever you came from.
When they are invaded what else can they do. Their females are afraid to leave the house. Their government does nothing.
Good. Run there$#%&!@*s out of the country!!!
… now .. why would they suddenly do this?
What changed recently that might explain this?
American politicians need to learn from this situation. We have harbored thousands of “refugees” and embedded them in cities across our nation. Our government didnt listen to us either. In fact, I don’t recall them even asking the People what we thought. Forcing cultures with opposing world views to collide on such a scale is a recipe for disaster. Not to mention it greatly assists the Muslims further their agenda of a world subject to Sharia law. Place a community here a community there and watch them begin to force change under the guise of tolerence. The German people have a right to remain German, the Swedish have the right to be Swedish, and the poor Londoners have the right to remain British. They shouldn’t have to change their culture to accomodate the religious and cultural demands of refugees. My hat is off to the German people…forced to do the job their military should be doing.
This is what happens when the government doesn’t protect it’s citizens. They take matters into their own hands. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen here.