Two-hundred-two refugee homes have been burnt to the ground in Germany since January of 2015. With German Chancelor Angela Merkel inviting in one million immigrants, who have created havoc across the countryside, the German citizens who are living with the havoc, have had it. Their voices of dissent are not being recognized by the politicians and therefore, they are sending up literal smoke signals to get their point across.
Obviously violence and harm to another human is not acceptable, but when a government refuses to listen to those whom they are sworn to protect, then the citizen will rise up and protect themselves.
The common denominator in both the German outrage, as well as, with the refugees fleeing their countries is corrupt governments. From Merkel who ignores her constituents, to a dictator like Bashar al-Assad, the rights of humans are trampled when ultimate power corrupts.
On the following page, view the video and read the account of refugee homes and shelters being destroyed, all to get the attention of those in power.
Burn them all to the Ground. Send them back to there Country
Seems like a good solution…..
It’s about time you guys take action. It’s sad that action is needed, but no action will cause you to lose your country and your freedoms …
Send them packing back to where they came from.
People are sick of the refugees and the government keeps bringing them in
At least there are still SOME men oi Germany unlike Sweden
Get them out
Bout time.
It would have been like that here, had HRC been elected. The previous POTUS was completely in line with the German Government, whom has allowed this to allowed this happen by not taking care of it’s citizens first.
Now if they are smart enough to vote out Merkel, and get a conservative in office, things may get better.