With all of the migrants flooding into Western Europe, one of Europe’s economic think tanks has been trying to to come up with ways to balance what the country is spending on this mass migration and simultaneously help integrate these people into society, making them less of an economic burden.
The head of this economic think tank has called on Germany’s government to scrap the minimum wage and raise the country’s retirement age in order to cope with this influx of people. While this might not go over well with German citizens, who have started to organize large protests against the government and their decision to let all of these migrants in, some of which are known ISIS members, the plan won’t affect current pensioners.
Read more about the plan on the next page.
Woah the German people are not gonna be pleased about that and I say get rid of Merkel now or see Germany gone.
SHOULDN’T BE FORCED TO BECOME A HERMIT over refugees this is your country spite of what politicians think. Once a politicians feels too listen too their voters their countrymen should be impeached this is treason. If it comes down to a point where you and your countryman can’t feel free to go and come as a free person. Then you’re in a super large prison you’re a prisoner in your own country and refugees and Migrant have become your prison guards. I would start form groups of guys hopefully ex-military if you have in your area make sure to feel them out before you start explaining what you feel is needed. You need to form an enforcement task force a sniper group and start making IED’s and pipe bombs easy stuff. Once you start killing these Bast*ds. I wouldn’t stop till I killed all or they left our they found a hole to get in. Unfortunately sometime Freedom comes at a cost forces patriots to go to dark place to keep their freedoms for the future of your fellow countrymen and your family’s family at risk of ones lives. This would be justified killing you would be killing invaders that swore too a God too enslave or convert or kill you and will never stop they have continued this for 1400 plus years. If percentage stays below 1% it just an itch you can’t scratch. Once any groups go past 1.5% they become Radical start their March’s riots killings rapes kidnapping start to induce fear. Best to head it off before it starts.
You should kill all but be covet a ghost. Never ever tell no one no matter what even as a group never talks about it even if you were together. It is enough you no you supported your countryman. You don’t needs a pat on the back just kill and kill people ask you tell them its at shame someone killing these rat Basta** like this. The reward is getting them out of your country………. if you’re tight mouthed just a little smart you’ll never get caught or have a problem.
Give that memo & a gun to someone ready to retire. Lets the problem sort itself out.lol
Supporting their enemies? You reap what you sow.
Ohhhh nooooo!
How do they put up with this they are taken over can’t the people see this??
Start shooting already!! They will go somewhere else
why doesn’t russia and china take some fefugees? answer; they are a whole lot smarter than we are.