A YouTube video that originated from Germany shows two women watching a long walking line demonstration of Muslims, with their black flag, bullhorns screeching chants in a Arabic language. The woman engage in a discussion as they watch the demonstartion make its way down a major street in Hanover.
The tone of the language from the Muslim demonstration was chilling, and the two women were scared, discussing Angela Merkel, and her policies that have allowed over 1.5 million Muslims carte blanc into Germany, with many more to follow.
Video with more on Muslim demonstration in Germany next page:
Germans are scared and Merkel wants more of them!!
Germans are right to panic. Leadership there made a dangerous decision to let so many refugees and Muslims in. Now they’re paying dearly . Here’s hoping democrats in the USA will open their eyes. They want our arms thrown open for anybody and everybody, solely because they want instant amnesty and the freedom to vote, – democrat, of course. Totally pathetic and selfish from the democrats, while all American workers are strapped from dishing out for illegals.
Merkel has led the lambs to the slaughter, and they never said stop…nobody to blame but themselves
Europe is conquer fully for white man world and only American left as last chance for white man world to open eyes to get right way to get out to heaven or see heaven on earth and I feel hope too ,
Again only American left for white world now all are conquer fully because u can’t kill all of them , only sea and land to cover them by God creator power but no man can kill them all now yes American can stop it because God spirit protecting the nation,
Oh! No! Just appearred overnight, didn’t they? Now what? Your pensions are going to be cut again to support them. You are going to pay higher taxes to support them. You can kiss your beautiful romantic country goodbye. You will continue to be Politically Correct, and do as the NWO wants. You laid down like the French, and opened the doors and coffers of your nation. You gave your country away. Hate it for family.
The Germans should thank chancellor Merkel for that.
I will go off on roads trains bus to open souls but fully sink in darkness in sin and dead life in nice cars and homes but dead man and woman walking , my heart cry inside a lot but all thinking I was crazy and want Money from them , the whole world will be my with Jesus soon with no doubt about it , and will tell Jesus what is good for as ,
Soon Germans no body will see not even Muslims there because it will end under the ground as the sea cover them all from Egypt they say .