A YouTube video that originated from Germany shows two women watching a long walking line demonstration of Muslims, with their black flag, bullhorns screeching chants in a Arabic language. The woman engage in a discussion as they watch the demonstartion make its way down a major street in Hanover.
The tone of the language from the Muslim demonstration was chilling, and the two women were scared, discussing Angela Merkel, and her policies that have allowed over 1.5 million Muslims carte blanc into Germany, with many more to follow.
Video with more on Muslim demonstration in Germany next page:
You better take back your county in order to survive!
We should learn from
Thier mistakes!!
I know and we Americans pray that you are delivered from your opressors in Jesus name our father will set you free rejoice in that knowledge. AMEN
Do we want this? Hell no! Our way of life is on the line. The world as we know it will cease to exist. France, Belgium, Sweden, Germany and The U.K. Is already capitulating to sharia law. We were at war with Muslims for 32yrs through 4 presidents. Fighting them initiated our navy. They were always our enemy. Don’t be fooled. It’s called Taqiyya lying and gaining the trust of your enemy to slaughter them in the name of Allah. Another facet is Muruna the infiltration of a country’s government to have in place Muslims to overthrow the government. Which is permitted against infidels. Just face facts they will NEVER assimilate into western life. Brutality is not far from the surface. It’s in their nature barbarians savages something at which they excel. They worship death while we worship life and liberty. They are the Trojan horse the immigrants, and little by little they are using our laws against us while we obey the law they seek to change it to benefit their cult and way of life. Muslim women can’t even speak they are slaves. We can’t let our guard down Subjugating women and Child rape! We don’t need this in our country!! Yes!! The women’s March was the biggest joke and all the cockroaches came out of the woodwork.Every few hundreds of years we are fighting Islam again. It is a cult from the 7th century. And now we are being inundated again with immigrants who do not share our western world. They will never assimilate and sharia law is against our constitution. So face facts. The war has gotten worse and many countries will erupt in violence it has begun. If you look into the depths of these mosques you will find seething hatred for the western culture.
germany has only two choices to survive–kill or deport every muslim….
That is the result of voting for a Liberal, Socialist, Merkel.
You have elected Merkel who allowed your situation. Deal with it!
I understand ammunition is very reasonable in Germany, hmm lets see 1.5 million times 28 cents divided by population ..wouldn’t cost much to reduce the unwanted.