A YouTube video that originated from Germany shows two women watching a long walking line demonstration of Muslims, with their black flag, bullhorns screeching chants in a Arabic language. The woman engage in a discussion as they watch the demonstartion make its way down a major street in Hanover.
The tone of the language from the Muslim demonstration was chilling, and the two women were scared, discussing Angela Merkel, and her policies that have allowed over 1.5 million Muslims carte blanc into Germany, with many more to follow.
Video with more on Muslim demonstration in Germany next page:
This is what happens when you elect socialist idiots like Merkel who allowed her country to be overran with radical followers of Islam. We almost suffered the same fate, had Hillary been elected. Thank God that she wasn’t!
Why in the hell did crazy$#%&!@*Merkel get re-elected, probably all the immigrants voted for her, just like here in the U.S. how they voted for the Hildabeast. She should be threwn out of office, she has destroyed her country.
Mueller must resign
Merkel must be forced out
Well, you all can thank your Chancellor!
Germany is doomed to turn Muslim, God help the native Germans
they should do with the muslimes as they did with the jews
You’ll wish you had$#%&!@*back by the time those Muslims get thru with you!
Welcome to really stupid Germany