A YouTube video that originated from Germany shows two women watching a long walking line demonstration of Muslims, with their black flag, bullhorns screeching chants in a Arabic language. The woman engage in a discussion as they watch the demonstartion make its way down a major street in Hanover.
The tone of the language from the Muslim demonstration was chilling, and the two women were scared, discussing Angela Merkel, and her policies that have allowed over 1.5 million Muslims carte blanc into Germany, with many more to follow.
Video with more on Muslim demonstration in Germany next page:
So sad. Was truly a beautiful country before……
Germans should be armed to fight for their country and freedom! Islam is no for freedom it is a totalitarian way to rule people and take rights!
Should have stepped up and took your country back from these pigs. You were complacent and did nothing.
Too bad Merkel was not impeached. She is nuts!
They let them in.
There goes your tourist industry.
God may have a say in this….
Thank Merkel for her open borders policy. The German culture is being erased by the Invasion from the Middle East.
What the hell did you expect the Muslims told you years ago they’re going to wipe you out United States is next
Fucking idiots! You voted for this! You bash out POTUS,now expect sympathy? Now karma has come for you! Good luck with that,in a hundred years,there will be hardly any Germans left,and frankly,I don’t give a$#%&!@*