As the government continues to welcome thousands of migrants, hundreds of German citizens have taken it upon themselves in an attempt to do what the government won’t, protect their borders. These Germans formed a human chain along the Czech border this month, where they were joined by several Czech activists who have also had enough.
The protest was organized by a group called the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West or PEGIDA for fans of acronyms.
This comes as migrants continue to seek refuge in Western European countries. And as they “flee” from the violence of their own countries, they bring with them violence of their own.
Reports coming in from places like Germany, Greece and Sweden are claiming that there have been significant rises in crime, but governments are preventing the media from writing about it, many still trying to convince themselves that Islam is a religion of peace. However, if today’s attacks in Paris have proven anything, it’s that it isn’t.
See the video of this protest on the next page.
Enough. More than enough should do just fine.
Curtis Little.
Great job, Germany! Stand in solidarity for your country and repel the infidels of hate.
Better bring guns to knock down the savages
The Germans have it right and they know what it will take to take care of this before it gets any worse, but will they be forceful enought to stop it? This remains to be seen. Will other countries take a stand soon enough?? It does not seem they will. America is in the center of it all with a Muslim Pres. and his crew of Muslim and Islamic men who sit with him daily, there are so many of them in Washington that people just look past them because they look just like you and I. Life for us is changing and not for the good. The only thing that can stop this is the influx of ALL illegals and so called refugees from coming into our country
My cousins (in Germany) are fit to be tied.
If anyone wants to point a figure for all this, point it squarely at the UN. They are influencing how every country reacts to the Muslim crisis. Their Arab influence is directing a subtle world take over and allowing them to be the new world order. Wake up people and stop the leaders of every country from going along with this madness. Being politically correct is one of their weapons to conquer. Racial divides is another. It is time to wake up and see the UN for what it is, a league of nations wanting to govern the new world order, not help stop the decline of society so it can ve conquered.
I would shoot all of them to the ground they are all scumbag terrorist that will try to kill you their animals need to be put down
Do it here.