As the government continues to welcome thousands of migrants, hundreds of German citizens have taken it upon themselves in an attempt to do what the government won’t, protect their borders. These Germans formed a human chain along the Czech border this month, where they were joined by several Czech activists who have also had enough.
The protest was organized by a group called the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West or PEGIDA for fans of acronyms.
This comes as migrants continue to seek refuge in Western European countries. And as they “flee” from the violence of their own countries, they bring with them violence of their own.
Reports coming in from places like Germany, Greece and Sweden are claiming that there have been significant rises in crime, but governments are preventing the media from writing about it, many still trying to convince themselves that Islam is a religion of peace. However, if today’s attacks in Paris have proven anything, it’s that it isn’t.
See the video of this protest on the next page.
God bless you all.
I see people for who they really are and I said it and had someone tell me that I shouldn’t talk like that because he is our president and I just didn’t like him cause he was black that it was me well now he is showing his true self
But according to some people its not him he is the greatest
If they don’t keep them out it will be to LATE!!!!
Need guns much?
Its about time.
The vast majority of the radical Muslim terrorists are created out of a jealous and spiteful rage born from the decline of the Persian culture over the last 2000 years. Before the coming of Jesus Christ the Persians were arguably the leaders of their world. Masters of math, science, medicine, economics and a naval power. As other cultures rose to greatness they left Persia behind. The resulting campaign of invasion and destruction began 1400 years ago and since then the bastion of knowledge, creativity and scientific discovery has devolved into a mongrel of the worst kind, violating every nation’s borders uninvited, bringing with then nothing but vandalism, rape, murder, disease and hate. They bring nothing of value and they contribute nothing to better the places the intrude on. They breed like cockroaches and expect everyone around them to give them everything. They refuse to work, instead they try to transform everything into the desperate, disgusting cesspool they came from only to perpetuate the moral and cultural decline of Persia. The blessings of Allah are nothing more than the distruction of the world and the devolution of the race of humans to nothing more than marauding packs of feral dogs battling over the rancid scraps left from the previous dogfight. What was once Persia is now a cancer on the world. We need to band together, rise up armed to the teeth and defend ourselves from this horrific scourge. Death is the only answer. We must kill their will to invade, destroy and eradicate every other culture. We must first destroy the filthy pile of human waste they call their homeland. Mecca and Madena must be destroyed and made uninhabitable for the next 100 years. Then every Muslim unwilling to peacefully coexist with those living in the nations they invaded must be either forcibly expelled or eliminated with extreme prejudice. The Persian culture is a disease and must be dealt with like the deadly pathogen it is. Kill it or die in the attempt.
Americans would do this too.
This is next here since Obozo govn won’t do anything
Curtis Little I bet. The last thing we need is for them to bring those refugees here.