As the government continues to welcome thousands of migrants, hundreds of German citizens have taken it upon themselves in an attempt to do what the government won’t, protect their borders. These Germans formed a human chain along the Czech border this month, where they were joined by several Czech activists who have also had enough.
The protest was organized by a group called the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West or PEGIDA for fans of acronyms.
This comes as migrants continue to seek refuge in Western European countries. And as they “flee” from the violence of their own countries, they bring with them violence of their own.
Reports coming in from places like Germany, Greece and Sweden are claiming that there have been significant rises in crime, but governments are preventing the media from writing about it, many still trying to convince themselves that Islam is a religion of peace. However, if today’s attacks in Paris have proven anything, it’s that it isn’t.
See the video of this protest on the next page.
Angela Merkel is an anemy to germany
No sane mind and time tested proven society is against Humanity but why are these group of inhuman devils who are established in their actions are allowed to destroy the fabrics of humanity and basic rules of life our great small planet ,Flush out inhuman creatures before they engulf sanity of our world at all costs otherwiise educatiion and historyh of world would be buried in insane heapes of perversion and selfishness of immaturity
Wow, had never seen this, where has it been all this time and why wasn’t it exposed before 2012
it has been out for a long time –just not exposed enough-
try googling GAY obama and a lot of this stuff comes up
Good. If Merkle won’t protect her country then it’s up to the people do so. The same thing is going to need to happen in America.
Michigan is already lost to Islam.
#TRUMP 2016