If you step outside, you will notice the atmosphere is not on fire and the ocean hasn’t welled up to your doorstep. You may even by inclined to say that the oft-spouted liberal line that global climate change exists actually doesn’t. It turns out, you’re right.
Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has discovered through private research that NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies has fudged the numbers on raw temperature data in order to invent the trend of global warming.
While the average temperature of Australia has gone up 0.6339°C since 2000, the rest of the globe has actually been cooling. From 1940 until today, the average temperature of the globe has fallen by 1.110°C, and since 2000 it has fallen 0.4223°C. Not exactly the end of the world, as the liberal mainstream media would want you to believe.
Prof. Ewert remarked that the scale of the change perpetrated by NASA is ‘unbelievable’.
Find out more about these numbers and the effect of this NASA fraud on page 2.
Constantly entering f**e data into a computer is science? You’ve had too much Kool aid.
http://www.express.co.uk/news/clarifications-corrections/526191/Climate-change-is-a-lie-global-warming-not-real-claims-weather-channel-founder. Christopher, this is from the founder of The Weather Channel, it’s all a lie. Can’t be anymore clear than this.
You never give up denying the acts. No the world has not been cooling. Furthermore the oceans are becoming acid with CO2.
The lie is i am driving in the Atlantic Ocean in miami beach streets. It is happening now not image ment look at the photoes from miami herald and ny times these papers are not owned by Koch brothers. I grew up in miamibeach and this is a newer happiness .yes ocean in the streets of co use deniers don’t believe real p h o toes and driving in salt wster.it does not rain saltwater .
Try driving in saltwater in miamibeach yes it does not rain saltwater see photos for yourself
Sorry, but the faith so many of the global warming acolytes and people in positions of influence have strikes me as nothing more than a modern day equivalent of the faith so many had in Alchemy in the middle ages.
Think about it. Creating Gold from base metals was beneficial to the the Kings so as to provide funding for the various wars they wanted to fight. “Climate Change” provides necessary fear and motivation to energize a scientifically challenged population to allow the powers that be to seize power/control and reduce the liberties that were heretofore held jealousy by the population.
Alchemy had just enough “science” to back it up to appear as if “with just a little more work, it’ll work”. Climate change has just enough science to make it appear plausible to those not willing to examine the whole picture, vice the narrow datum provided as “proof”. (Ever wonder why solar output is not part of the computer models upon which do much of this is based?)
Alchemy provided the promises of great wealth. Climate change provides the promise of preventing an as yet to be proved disaster. (And the promise of wealth from government grants, and acclaim for it’s supporters from the same government funding granters.)
So sorry. Seen this scenario before. Eventually science, true science (as opposed to politically driven psuedo science) will win out.
So if all these people are only saying this because Obama’s forcing them, then why were they saying the same thing when George W. Bush was in office? What you gonna tell me he was just Obama’s puppet too?
Everything they say is lies.
He the part of the 3 % who do not believe in Climate Change. So your willing to bet everything on 3% pretty bad odds. What a Scientist job is to prove something. from data not options. We could debate this until the end of time it wouldn’t change the data. There is no political agenda on my part nor the other 97% of the other Scientist. I can only make this short right now, Polar cap melts it put more fresh water into the oceans. With less salt the more disabled atmospheres thus more violent storms and that’s just the beginning. The polar caps have 20 time the of carbon dioxide stored in the ice as it melts it add exponentially more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I can see I going to need to Explain in great detail how this works.
I have yet to see that any fraudulent data exists. Only one person with an axe to grind mentions it. Very strange no?