If you step outside, you will notice the atmosphere is not on fire and the ocean hasn’t welled up to your doorstep. You may even by inclined to say that the oft-spouted liberal line that global climate change exists actually doesn’t. It turns out, you’re right.
Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has discovered through private research that NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies has fudged the numbers on raw temperature data in order to invent the trend of global warming.
While the average temperature of Australia has gone up 0.6339°C since 2000, the rest of the globe has actually been cooling. From 1940 until today, the average temperature of the globe has fallen by 1.110°C, and since 2000 it has fallen 0.4223°C. Not exactly the end of the world, as the liberal mainstream media would want you to believe.
Prof. Ewert remarked that the scale of the change perpetrated by NASA is ‘unbelievable’.
Find out more about these numbers and the effect of this NASA fraud on page 2.
Duh. The public knows it’s a lie , a joke and that’s why we hate politicians playing us as idiots
Nice try, you right wing nuts gave up any credibility years ago. For you all the ends justify the means. Truth left your side years ago.
You are what sane people call nuts.
This Is the Cosmos team every fact on each show that we put on was triple checked If anyone you have a team scientists that have check your data let me know. You are some I want to talk too.
Prove its a lie. We sure a hell have proved that Climate Change is real. This “German Scientist isn’t real”
did not know the world was “leftist”
Joe Blowers TL Whitfield what planet do you live on?
Why would we believe anything that comes out of obama or his sheep?
If I may say but one thing, “NASA is the biggest fraud that ever was.”