If you step outside, you will notice the atmosphere is not on fire and the ocean hasn’t welled up to your doorstep. You may even by inclined to say that the oft-spouted liberal line that global climate change exists actually doesn’t. It turns out, you’re right.
Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has discovered through private research that NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies has fudged the numbers on raw temperature data in order to invent the trend of global warming.
While the average temperature of Australia has gone up 0.6339°C since 2000, the rest of the globe has actually been cooling. From 1940 until today, the average temperature of the globe has fallen by 1.110°C, and since 2000 it has fallen 0.4223°C. Not exactly the end of the world, as the liberal mainstream media would want you to believe.
Prof. Ewert remarked that the scale of the change perpetrated by NASA is ‘unbelievable’.
Find out more about these numbers and the effect of this NASA fraud on page 2.
There is ZERO evidence that man is causing climate change. The whole climate change agenda is a political hoax designed to destroy capitalism.
You just keep burning that fossil fuel. Our children and grandchildren will be the ones who suffer. Narcissist.
Genny Elliot
Just the facts
That Summit meeting of over 150 guys….talking about climate change…yeah right….they’re cooking up something…..
There Were Several So Called Doctors that Debunked the Science of Tobacco Use… hmmmmm, if Your in Denial at this Point. Your an IDIOT
To rule the world you must have followers believing in you cause. For thousands of years man has used Religion to control people. Imagine being told by another MAN that “GOD” says you can’t do something, when he himself never met GOD. And if you don’t do what he says (man or GOD) then you’ll pay for it in your after life (like anyone really knows that either). People drifted away from there faiths over the course of time. In todays era Religion can’t be used to control ALL the people anymore. Well………..It took sometime but the clever people figured out a new better way to make EVERY country in the world do what is required to submit to rule of man even the Atheists. Environmentalism is the TROJAN horse to World Governance. Do you want to be a freeman or freefollower? No where has nature struggled to survive and man is a part of that nature. In fact nature is so good at what it does we have to use poison to kill weeds and they keep coming back! It is most assuredly inevitable man will become extinct, and not 1 person here or there can say what will happen tomorrow. As time moves on everyone will be held accountable in a worldly court, it will take more time, but the old people with old ways will die. The young children will be taught a little more in such issues. And that cycle repeats until the old ways are gone and a new system is established. The Constitution won’t apply anymore, the Bill of Rights won’t apply anymore because these aren’t compatible with world governance and control. After all what happens when a local city or state passes a law that goes against the Federal law? Federal law still wins! Even if you take it to court. (Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon will soon find out that Federal trumps State when it comes to Marijuana ask Chris Christie!) So what will happen when Federal laws don’t agree with worldly laws or International Laws? Whatever your beliefs on climate change are, LAWS WILL BE MADE and all countries will conform or pay the price, and the price won’t be monetary in nature, unless you value your own life………It always starts out the same. And it always goes like this, WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! But it seems that its always the WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING’s that makes us have to do SOMETHING MORE and MORE and MORE. If we would stop doing things we wouldn’t have to fix anything because nothing would have been broken in the first place.
Give it up already. Lies told by tobacco companies eventually caught up with them. Same thing with chemical companies fighting the removal of lead from gasoline. The truth will eventually catch up with the energy industry’s propagandist nonsense too. Have a nice time with your delusional beliefs for as long as you can.
You have to ask yourself…: HOW could ANY …sensible..person VOTE for a democrat?…who ‘SELLS’ the climate change BS…?…When all the REAL evidence…SHOWS it’s just a scam??… BUT!…WE ALL KNOW Lefties…who keep living their fantasy, don’t we?… LOL…
I remember in the 70’s the same institutions were warning us that flurocarbons from pressurized spray cans had created a hole in the ozone layer, and was allowing heat to escape the earth’s atmosphere, thus bringing about a new ice age. Some science. The next theory was global warming and the polar caps were melting and our coastal cities would be inundated with sea water in 5 years – see Al Gore’s Inconvient Truth. Now, in an effort to cover all of their basis, the climate kooks, call it climate change, so no matter what kind of weather event we experience, they will claim climate change. We already have politicians claiming climate change is responsible for ISIS, and that man’s activity is responsible. Some science. Much of the so-called science has been debunked by other experts, and much has been found to be crafted data that has not stood up to accepted scientific protocol. The most famous, Anglican University, England, would not provide their data to other scientist so they could dupicate the results. Pure fraud.