If you step outside, you will notice the atmosphere is not on fire and the ocean hasn’t welled up to your doorstep. You may even by inclined to say that the oft-spouted liberal line that global climate change exists actually doesn’t. It turns out, you’re right.
Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has discovered through private research that NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies has fudged the numbers on raw temperature data in order to invent the trend of global warming.
While the average temperature of Australia has gone up 0.6339°C since 2000, the rest of the globe has actually been cooling. From 1940 until today, the average temperature of the globe has fallen by 1.110°C, and since 2000 it has fallen 0.4223°C. Not exactly the end of the world, as the liberal mainstream media would want you to believe.
Prof. Ewert remarked that the scale of the change perpetrated by NASA is ‘unbelievable’.
Find out more about these numbers and the effect of this NASA fraud on page 2.
Wayne, I’d hesitate to call someone a dipshit whitetrash redneck if were you. It’s several orders of magnitude higher class than The progressive liberal idiots that you so gladly are apart of. The history of the US is filled with the lower class, in this case you, calling people names trying to feel better about themselves. You’re obviously a Racist and biggot, which is about as low as you can go, you have nothing else but to try to tear your betters down. Folks like you should learn to tie your shoelaces before you attempt to try to hold any conversation. I realize that ‘see spot run’ is probably a bit beyond you, but there are a lot of good comic books with lots of pretty pictures out there for the mentally deficient. I believe if you go to the library (it’s a place that has book’s, not kidding, look it up!) They will actually read to you. For free.
I wish you were wrong, but you are correct. I would like to argue with someone with intelligence. Since you have too much intelligence, so I can only agree. If you decide to believe in the religion of climate change, let me know.
And the winner for stupid goes to wayne! Yah! Another participation trophy.
To those who do not know what an allegory is, perhaps you look it up in a dictionary. Just by reading some of your comments, well!!!
DO your research, you sadly uninformed paranoid,jackasses
Just a fear strategy drawn up by the left to make money, nothing but a lie…. they do it so well!
Ohh ok, thanks for clearing this up….I believe you…thank you, thank you so much…..you are wonderful…..a blessing to us all..
Why am I driving in the Atlantic Ocean yes it is flooded the miamibeach streets blocks inland we have a pumping station to remove th water
According to the global warming alarmists Florida should have been completely under water 15 years ago. The same people claimed we were going to have another ice age. They stopped calling it global warming when there wasn’t any warming since the 90s. They can’t be proven wrong if they switch the agendas name to climate change. The climate has always and will always change. It’s nature. There are so many variables that affect the weather. Of course we should take care of the environment. It’s the lefts socialist one world government agenda behind “climate change” that we have a problem with. Just ask the woman at the UN that recently admitted it was meant to get rid of capitalism. Don’t be a sheep dude.
I’m pretty sure I have the same Atlantic Ocean in Boston you have there. It’s all the same levels here. Perhaps there’s more to the story down there that you don’t know.
Finagled is a more concise verb. I’m sure there are few fiddle’s and fiddler’s at NASA. But finagler’s, I bet there’s a bunch whom are interested in maintaining their employment.