If you step outside, you will notice the atmosphere is not on fire and the ocean hasn’t welled up to your doorstep. You may even by inclined to say that the oft-spouted liberal line that global climate change exists actually doesn’t. It turns out, you’re right.
Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data computation expert, has discovered through private research that NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies has fudged the numbers on raw temperature data in order to invent the trend of global warming.
While the average temperature of Australia has gone up 0.6339°C since 2000, the rest of the globe has actually been cooling. From 1940 until today, the average temperature of the globe has fallen by 1.110°C, and since 2000 it has fallen 0.4223°C. Not exactly the end of the world, as the liberal mainstream media would want you to believe.
Prof. Ewert remarked that the scale of the change perpetrated by NASA is ‘unbelievable’.
Find out more about these numbers and the effect of this NASA fraud on page 2.
Christopher Harvengt you are truly an idiot…no offense though, half the world believes the lie as well…the rest of us are educated
Your compliments are unnecessary, but thanks. Engineers usually aren’t considered dipshits, but I am a redneck and proud of it.
A lone scientist in an independent study debunks what 98% of research in the field suggests. But some people will believe that guy because of their political party. Like over a billion engines making exhaust every day certainly has no effect on the atmosphere. Like clear cutting most of the worlds forests won’t be a problem. I don’t know how anyone with any independent thought process can deny that humans have a direct effect on global climate. A single volcanic eruption is proven to disrupt world wide weather and everyone accepts that but burning billions of gallons of fossil fuel every day and that’s just fine.
Look at the comments here Tom. The conspiracy theories are flying Clearly these people aren’t willing to accept science. It’s a big word, meant for adults. These are the same people that swear our President was born in Africa and is a muslim terrorist. These are the same people that preach forgiveness and charity but are only in it for themselves. These are the same people refusing to accept refugees from a war zone for fear just one of them might do something unsavory like , I dunno, shoot up a school or theater or mall. I’ve tried to reason with this mindset and had better luck coaxing daisies to bloom in december
Mike where did you you learn that scientists had concluded the Earth would end 30 years ago?
What else is new it’s all nonsense.
So liberals have been doing this for oboma all along
I doubt than any sane person is shocked. After all, the head of NASA is an Obama selected individual and Obama always controls all of the Departments in his Administration, through loyal Dept Heads. They will do whatever Obama tells them to do, including falsifying climate data. The problem is that we can all feel climate and know when we are being lied to.