Take it from this horse’s mouth, “We will marry your daughters and they will wear hijab!” said a German Muslim speaking to a German man.
The threat is not some hyped up, Islamiphobe narrative, but one stated with conviction from a Muslim who has hundreds of thousands of backers pouring into the country.
America needs to wake up and not be duped as Germany has been. Peaceful is not a term synonymous with Islam. It is a religion of forced capitulation and the video on page two spells it out.
The Germans should rebuild the “Camps”
Maybe you Germans need to perform another holocaust again?
Germany stand up for your Country!
The Germans will put you muzzies in a microwave oven faster then$#%&!@*put the Jews in a conventional oven and kill 3 tines as many of you in half the time
Looks like the German leadership is failing the German pepple. Is hostory repeating itself ?
4th Reich. .
Sounds like a threat to me
Oh?! If that happened i will erase Germany as the most wonderful nation in the world !
Don’t think German citizens will go quietly.
Moral Bankruptcy. Nothing is impossible in this Sodom’s country called USA.