Take it from this horse’s mouth, “We will marry your daughters and they will wear hijab!” said a German Muslim speaking to a German man.
The threat is not some hyped up, Islamiphobe narrative, but one stated with conviction from a Muslim who has hundreds of thousands of backers pouring into the country.
America needs to wake up and not be duped as Germany has been. Peaceful is not a term synonymous with Islam. It is a religion of forced capitulation and the video on page two spells it out.
Hitler was going to but he died
Obama is one and his wife a man.
Kick out
Im with you,killum all,let God sort um out
I would kill every Muslim that says this In AMERICA–come and get me infedel Muslim scum!!!!!
Get em’ Germans’ you can do it’ …..Merkel is an idiot!!!
Stop the influx of terrorism
Currently 1.5 million Muslims live in Germany or about 2% of the population. If “hundreds of thousands flood into Germany” that may mean 3% of the population. That’s the fact and projection. If you want to call it a takeover, that’s an opinion. If listening to 2 refugees, out of the “hundreds of thousands” scares the heebeejeebees out of the international society, try interviewing other refugees, many thousands of who are being helped by Christian ministries also, and probably are smart enough to realize Religious extremists are why they were forced from their home in the first place, maybe they will turn to a more tolerant and moderate faith. But that’s my opinion and forecast, one out of the hundreds in sure that will carry on in this thread. Carry on….
Reopen the concentration camps March them Muslims in !
The world is going to rise up and extinguish Islam like a bad fire