Take it from this horse’s mouth, “We will marry your daughters and they will wear hijab!” said a German Muslim speaking to a German man.
The threat is not some hyped up, Islamiphobe narrative, but one stated with conviction from a Muslim who has hundreds of thousands of backers pouring into the country.
America needs to wake up and not be duped as Germany has been. Peaceful is not a term synonymous with Islam. It is a religion of forced capitulation and the video on page two spells it out.
Rude, animals
They have threatened our lives and our families lives so as the law states. If you are threatened and fear for your life you can shoot them to protect your life. So the way I look at it is. We have the threat and fear. So there’s only one thing to do when you see islamic scum. ???
Not true
So Have you have seen Obama’s master-plan or is he really as transparent as he said he was going to be?
War is inevitable! Why do you suppose Obama is so dead set on taking our guns?
With previous immigration such as the Irish, Germans, Italians Chinese there is a huge difference with the mass immigration of Muslims into America. The other immigrants assimilated. They saw America as their new home. The Muslims that come here do not change, do not assimilate, do not integrate. No they are trying to convert America into their own homeland with all the mosques, and the original population will become guests. Islamic immigration, the hijra, has been do things this way for 1400 years and will not change. Take a look at the situation in what was once Christian North Africa, but take a look Marseilles, at Brussels or at the Islamic rape hotspot, Rotherham in England. We are in alarming phase over the past 40 years no-one has seen. Such a change in demographics in such cities as The Hague, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, more than half of the Dutch population has been replaced by people from other countries, mostly Muslim countries. This is a trend which will happen in America if we don’t take steps to stop it!
5 PHASES OF A MUSLIM TAKEOVER! Phase One: Immigrate. Phase of discreet and secret establishment of leadership.
“Phase Two: INNFILTRATE: Phase of gradual appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public activities (It greatly succeeded in implementing this stage). It also succeeded in achieving a great deal of its important goals, such as infiltrating various sectors of the Government. Gaining religious institutions and embracing senior scholars. It is the Muslims goal to Gain public support and sympathy. Muslims are establishing a shadow government (secret) within the Government.
“Phase Three: Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing mass media.
“Phase Four: Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach. It is aggressively implementing the above-mentioned approach. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour, it has noticeable activities in this regard.
“Phase Five: Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.” Sharia Law will be fully implemented!
First stop Europe.Last stop USA.And the Elite like Muslims.Get a clue.
so true !!
I hope Germany WAKES UP !!!!!!!!!!!!