Take it from this horse’s mouth, “We will marry your daughters and they will wear hijab!” said a German Muslim speaking to a German man.
The threat is not some hyped up, Islamiphobe narrative, but one stated with conviction from a Muslim who has hundreds of thousands of backers pouring into the country.
America needs to wake up and not be duped as Germany has been. Peaceful is not a term synonymous with Islam. It is a religion of forced capitulation and the video on page two spells it out.
Drop every Muslim that goes after our children .their walking on very dangerous grounds when they threaten our children !!!
This was disguised as a refuge. Just as the ones Obama is bringing into America. Obama KNOWS they are the Jihadist and he is depending on them for a civil unrest. Now where is the rest of our Government to protect us?
Take a right at Frankfurt head east follow the road for about 900 miles…you will then see the sign welcome to the USSR….GOOD LUCK..
Eliminate the threat!!!!!
This guy needs to be found nd imprisoned. He’s not a refugee.
Joey Kostenbader, Daniel G. Kostenbader, Jaime Thompson-Kostenbader
The land of the people who once conquered all of Europe, that’s where you want to start? hahaha have fun with that stupid muslims
feed them to the hogs
Germans unite and kill them on site. You cant spend moneyif they are dead.