Liberal politicians in America have done their best to erase the United States border — and thus its sovereignty. Former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently detailed her very specific, multi-step plan to dissolve the border. Most of Clinton’s plan revolves around the four-state border between the United States and Mexico.
It seems as though Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and everyone else on the American left are taking their border security advice from leaders in Europe, where borders and sovereignty are virtually nonexistent.
Leaders across Europe — even in the traditionally more conservative country of Germany — have opened their borders to hoards of migrants from North Africa and the Middle East. This has caused innumerable problems throughout the entire continent. The terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels are just the tip of the iceberg.
In the latest attempt to force Europeans into accepting unvetted refugees, Germany’s Federal Finance Minister warned Germans that if they do not accept migrant refugees they are doomed to a future of inbreeding. To read more about this ludicrous statement, continue on the next page:
What? Idiot
How stupid can humans get.
What a douche.
One of the side effects of the mental disease known as “Liberalism” is saying just about anything when preaching tolerance. Watch out folks, this disease is spread through hot air…
He would know
Sounds like he knows all about inbreeding.
he is so broken