If you think issues over migrants are pretty much an American phenomenon, you need to broaden your view. Things are getting really ugly in Europe as the desires of political leadership, which typically supports the importation of migrants, clash with citizens who see their way of life, and even their safety threatened. And this isn’t theoretical or just academic — it’s for real.
Cologne, Germany was turned into a war zone last New Year’s Eve as 1,000 migrants engaged in an orgy of rape and pillage. Political correctness be damned. You can’t put up with this — people being afraid to leave their homes because groups of sexual predators are roaming the streets.
Well, now some folks in a small German town have apparently heard the news and want no part of that in their village. Want to see what people do when they are pushed over the edge?
Good, might start thinking now
Good as well he should be
By Gernans or migrants? Either would not be surprising!
He should have been thrown out of office and jailed but the townspeople are fed up and did what they thought they needed to do
Haha good because your fucking blind screw your own citizens over for people that arent going to assimulate wake up already the muslims keep saying it and you dumb$#%&!@*bend over to help them and all they do is throw$#%&!@*at you take your$#%&!@*back
sounds like he completely deserved it.