In the Middle-East they have strict policies when it comes to bathrooms and how they’re used. For example, one’s back cannot face Mecca, men and women’s bathrooms must be separate from each other, and the color of the floor cannot be green because that is the color of Islam. When those standards aren’t met, you end up with situations like the one below.
“German toilets are a mystery to many refugees and this has already led to problems. A new mobile multicultural toilet should remedy this—and along the way teach something about the coexistence of cultures”, declares the article.
In concludes: “And so, as the refugees have brought about many changes in German society solely by their presence… so is it now with the toilet in the future with this pressing issue.
“With some justification, one could say: Here we can even learn something from the refugees.”
It’s hard to approach this situation and not laugh about it, just because of how absurd it is. With all of the more serious/violent problems migrants have brought to Germany, defecating in public seems of less importance, yet, it’s absolutely disgusting. They’re guests in this country, they should have to use their bathrooms or pay a fine, should they choose to do it elsewhere. Even if toilet manufacturers create “Islamic” toilets, how many migrants have money to pay for them?
Needs re-enactment
Germans taking it in the$#%&!@*by muslims..way to go germans
It’s not that they’re too stupid, they just don’t really care.
It is. I’ve traveled there and what thus woman did is very common place. They have a different view of human hygiene, don’t bath much, no deodorant, horrible feminine odor.
Muslem people are disgusting. Do these people practice anything that’s normal?!?!
Sick disgusting pieces of$#%&!@* They drink camel p**s but won’t eat pigs. They rape children, hump goats. Strap bombs on children’s backs. Beat their women. Chop off heads of anyone that doesn’t believe in their barbaric ways. They wipe their butt with their bare left hand because they all eat out of a common platter with their right hand.
What pigs!!!