What a sad state of affairs that the once proud, once safe social democracies of Europe have been reduced to struggling nations on the verge of being overrun by hostile migrants.
For years, Europeans turned a blind eye to the hordes of refugees seeking entry into their countries, believing there would be no negative consequences to their utopian open borders policies. In particular, Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the face of mass migration, with federal authorities resisting almost any and all efforts to enforce the country’s border laws.
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only one problem, most people don’t read the newspapers, or believe this would never happen here in the USA. Their heads are buried in the sand and too busy with themselves and don’t give a damn unless in concerns them. as long as they get food, money, medical, and what ever else they canget for free and live off of is this will continue. It needs to be taken care of immediately!!!!! I know many people and families who had no income over the years and did not even think about taking from the tax payers….. the buckled down, had morals, and took any job they could to help their familes. They are good people who are either down on their luck or just not in the right place at the right time. but they would never take from other people. They are strong, law biding people who have principals, not thugs, and hudlems who rob, steel, murder, asault others that work so very hard. May god look down on us all and keep us all safe and protect our families and friends. May we as a Country stand up for our God give rights of living in safe places and be allowed to not fear for our families and friends and neighbors. Please Lord, protect us from these terrible people and banish them off of our world. No body should have to fear any of what is going on in this world as it is now. Please…..God save us all who are decent, loving careing people. .
good one!
Was this intelligence official named “Captain Obvious” by any chance?
shocker !! Don’t need a University diploma to figure that one out.
Democrats/Hillary wants to keep shipping that C**P HERE !!!!!
That’s right, hugs, and to be loved, and they are frustrated because they don’t have jobs. They have jobs, killing people.
Whoda thunk?
TRUMP 2016